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LCD.C Kodları
/* Karakter LCD Kütüphanesi Hüseyin Cemre Yilmaz Düzenleyen Bahadir Aydinoglu 19.02.19 Kullanim : CubeMX ile proje olustururken 6 adet GPIO pini asagidaki gibi tanimlanmalidir. No. | Pin Name| Type | Alt. Func. | Label ---------------------------------------------- xx | Pxx | I/O | GPIO_Output | LCD_RS xx | Pxx | I/O | GPIO_Output | LCD_EN xx | Pxx | I/O | GPIO_Output | LCD_D4 xx | Pxx | I/O | GPIO_Output | LCD_D5 xx | Pxx | I/O | GPIO_Output | LCD_D6 xx | Pxx | I/O | GPIO_Output | LCD_D7 Pin ve port farketmeksizin, Output olarak tanimlanan pinler yukaridaki gibi isimlendirilmeli ve baglanti gerektigi gibi yapilmalidir. Init Örnegi: lcd_init(_LCD_4BIT, _LCD_FONT_5x8, _LCD_2LINE); 4-Bit, 5x8 Font'lu, 2 satirli display kullanilacagi belirtiliyor. Farkli varyasyonlara LCD.h dosyasindan bakabilirsiniz. Kontrast ayari için pot kullanmak istemiyorsaniz baglantiniz asagidaki gibi olmalidir. VDD-------------LCD VDD | 10K | |---------------LCD VEE | 1K | GND-------------LCD VSS */ #include "stm32f1xx_hal.h" #include "main.h" #include "LCD.h" void Delay(uint32_t nCount) { for(; nCount != 0; nCount--); } void lcd_delay(void) { Delay(1000); } void lcd_cmd(char out_char) { LCD_RS_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_RS_Pin; LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_EN_Pin; LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D4_Pin; LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D5_Pin; LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D6_Pin; LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D7_Pin; lcd_delay(); LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->ODR |= LCD_EN_Pin; if((out_char & 0x10)>>4) LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D4_Pin; else LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D4_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x20)>>5) LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D5_Pin; else LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D5_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x40)>>6) LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D6_Pin; else LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D6_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x80)>>7) LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D7_Pin; else LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D7_Pin << 16; lcd_delay(); LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_EN_Pin; LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D4_Pin; LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D5_Pin; LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D6_Pin; LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D7_Pin; lcd_delay(); LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->ODR |= LCD_EN_Pin; if(out_char & 0x01) LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D4_Pin; else LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D4_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x02)>>1) LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D5_Pin; else LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D5_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x04)>>2) LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D6_Pin; else LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D6_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x08)>>3) LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D7_Pin; else LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D7_Pin << 16; lcd_delay(); LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_EN_Pin; LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D4_Pin; LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D5_Pin; LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D6_Pin; LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D7_Pin; } void lcd_char_cp(char out_char) { LCD_RS_GPIO_Port->ODR |= LCD_RS_Pin; LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_EN_Pin; LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D4_Pin; LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D5_Pin; LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D6_Pin; LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D7_Pin; lcd_delay(); LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->ODR |= LCD_EN_Pin; if((out_char & 0x10)>>4) LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D4_Pin; else LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D4_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x20)>>5) LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D5_Pin; else LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D5_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x40)>>6) LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D6_Pin; else LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D6_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x80)>>7) LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D7_Pin; else LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D7_Pin << 16; lcd_delay(); LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_EN_Pin; LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D4_Pin; LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D5_Pin; LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D6_Pin; LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D7_Pin; lcd_delay(); LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->ODR |= LCD_EN_Pin; if(out_char & 0x01) LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D4_Pin; else LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D4_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x02)>>1) LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D5_Pin; else LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D5_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x04)>>2) LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D6_Pin; else LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D6_Pin << 16; if((out_char & 0x08)>>3) LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BSRR = LCD_D7_Pin; else LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BSRR = (uint32_t)LCD_D7_Pin << 16; lcd_delay(); LCD_EN_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_EN_Pin; LCD_D4_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D4_Pin; LCD_D5_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D5_Pin; LCD_D6_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D6_Pin; LCD_D7_GPIO_Port->BRR = LCD_D7_Pin; } void lcd_out_cp(char *out_char) { while(*out_char) { lcd_delay(); lcd_char_cp(*out_char++); } lcd_delay(); } void lcd_init(char bits, char font, char lines) { HAL_Delay(250); lcd_cmd(_RETURN_HOME); HAL_Delay(50); lcd_cmd(0x20 | bits | font | lines); HAL_Delay(50); lcd_cmd(_LCD_INIT); HAL_Delay(50); lcd_cmd(0x0E); HAL_Delay(50); lcd_cmd(0x0C); HAL_Delay(50); lcd_cmd(0x01); HAL_Delay(100); } void lcd_gotoxy(unsigned char row, unsigned char column) { if(row == 1) { lcd_cmd(0x80 + (column - 1)); } else if(row == 2) { lcd_cmd(0xC0 + (column - 1)); } } void lcd_char(unsigned char row, unsigned char column, char out_char) { lcd_gotoxy(row, column); lcd_char_cp(out_char); } void lcd_print(unsigned char row, unsigned char column, char *out_char) { lcd_gotoxy(row, column); lcd_out_cp(out_char); } void lcd_clear(void) { lcd_cmd(_CLEAR); HAL_Delay(2); } void lcd_line1(void) { lcd_cmd(0x80); } void lcd_line2(void) { lcd_cmd(0xC0); }
LCD.h Kodları
#define _TURN_ON 0x0C // Turn Lcd display on #define _TURN_OFF 0x08 // Turn Lcd display off #define _FIRST_ROW 0x80 // Move cursor to the 1st row #define _SECOND_ROW 0xC0 // Move cursor to the 2nd row #define _CLEAR 0x01 // Clear display #define _RETURN_HOME 0x02 // Return cursor to home position, returns a shifted display to its original position. Display data RAM is unaffected. #define _CURSOR_OFF 0x0C // Turn off cursor #define _UNDERLINE_ON 0x0E // Underline cursor on #define _BLINK_CURSOR_ON 0x0F // Blink cursor on #define _MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT 0x10 // Move cursor left without changing display data RAM #define _MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT 0x14 // Move cursor right without changing display data RAM #define _SHIFT_LEFT 0x18 // Shift display left without changing display data RAM #define _SHIFT_RIGHT 0x1C // Shift display right without changing display data RAM #define _LCD_4BIT 0x00 #define _LCD_8BIT 0x10 #define _LCD_FONT_5x8 0x00 #define _LCD_FONT_5x10 0x04 #define _LCD_1LINE 0x00 #define _LCD_2LINE 0x08 #define _LCD_INIT 0x06 //#define _LCD_INIT 0x04 //#define _LCD_INIT 0x05 //#define _LCD_INIT 0x07 void lcd_delay(void); void lcd_cmd(char out_char); void lcd_char_cp(char out_char); void lcd_char(unsigned char row, unsigned char column, char out_char); void lcd_out_cp(char *out_char); void lcd_print(unsigned char row, unsigned char column, char *out_char); void lcd_gotoxy(unsigned char row, unsigned char column); void lcd_init(char bits, char font, char lines); void lcd_clear(void); void lcd_line1(void); void lcd_line2(void);
sprintf şeklinde kod yazamıyorum
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YanıtlaSil#include "stdio.h"
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Bu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.
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çözebildin mi bende de aynı sorun var hocam